
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Should overcrowded prisons release inmates with less time left first?

I was just in prison and I was released after finishing out a four year sentence, so I might have the best overview on this question... Some prisons and states do release prisoners with the least amount of time left when over crowding is a problem but others release prisoners who are the least violent. It all depends. It is sad that overcrowding is a problem these days... emphases is on building more and more prisons instead of helping people refrain from actions that will lead them to prison. It all ties into how much of a money maker the system is though and how jobless a lot of people would be if there were no offenders. Hope I was of some help.
no they need to finish the rest of the time
No way! Then justice is not served. They should just stop putting people in there for having a little marijuana! Such a waste of room.
I think they should take the worst ones-criminally insane, repeat violent offenders, murderers, child molesters, etc.- into a medically induced coma. That would free up enough space and resources to keep all of them locked away.
NNNNoooooo, they should not release anyone.

They should deport all the illegal aliens in American prisons and place a tracking device on them so they dont come back. That would free up about 10% of the room in our prisons.

Then they should execute all the people on death row that sit around for 20 years watching their free cable and costing us money tons of money. That would make a ton of room!

According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, 11% of the inmates in state prisons are illegal immigrants. Why dont we send mexico a bill?
Personally I think that should depend on the charges they are in there for in the first place.If signs of rehabilitation far outweigh the chance they will get themselves locked up again in a week then yeah.I also think they should be given a lump sum of money so they can have a second chance in life and not have to commit a crime once again for survival.(a job lined up,some kind of group housing,and just a fair chance to get back out there in the world and make it.The right way.

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