
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should Miranda rights be read?

Should Miranda rights be read everytime a cop is going to arrest somone?

agree or dissagre?

Why should they not be read?

Why should they be read?
miranda rights do not have to be read every time you are arested. They must, however, be read before the police question you about the possible commision of a crime. Someone can be arrested without being questioned. However, whether you are arrested or not, your miranda rights must be read before any questioning.
they should be read, ALWAYS!!! sometimes you can win a case, even if you are guilty, just by your miranda rights not being read to you........ this is good in some situations, but some not............
According to the law they don't have to read you your rights at all. I thought they had to but after getting a DUI and talking with my lawyer about my rights not being read he informed me that they don't have to. I think they should!
Yes, cops need all the reading practice they can get.
First it does not matter what I think or someone else thinkes, you have to follow the law as considered under the supreme court.

Being arrested does not require the rights to be read, you can arrest people and have all the evidence you need and never question them, they never have to have thier rights read.

It is only when a person is questioned, and they are questioned as a suspect or after arrested are their rights read. to them,
That is just how the law is.
Huh? have you been paying attention to the ruling in this matter by our Supreme Court. Miranda is required because the average Joe is at a great disadvantage versus the law(knowledge of your constitutional rights) in understanding what is the law. The average citizen has no true idea what the police can ask you to do, or get you to say, in terms of sel-incrimination,and reasonable search and seizure under the 4th amendment.

The miranda ruling is only meant to do a small amount to level the playing field when you are dealing with a authority greater than you, the police.
Yes. They should be read every time. Some people actually don't know their rights. In fact some people don't realize that those Miranda rights are being read for their benefit and still don't understand their rights. Just because someone doesn't understand their rights, does not mean that they don't get to have any either. Our country is based on principles that allow all citizens to have equal rights as everyone else. Therefore every time a person is taken into custody, each one of these citizens should be read their rights.
agree if they are not read and if you can prove it you can get out it is a part of our rights

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