
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should Karl Rove resign or be fired, or should he just go straight to jail?

There is a trail of rot making its way through our government—and it leads straight to Karl Rove.

New evidence shows that Rove has been methodically working to twist even the most impartial branches of the federal government—including the Justice Department—to serve the Republican Party at the expense of the American people.

Enough is enough. Impartial justice must be protected. Integrity in government must be defended. Karl Rove must be fired.
Karl Rove, should be fired and immediately be transferred to a Federal Prison. Many Impeachments need to be carried out and and I firmly believe all Americans know who needs to be Impeached. Terrible in-justice has been slung onto all Americans.
Karl Rove is a political genius that liberals hate. He is a hero as far as I'm concerned.
All Republicans are working their way into oblivion
don't stop them
Rove should be fired and sent straight to jail where he can immediately start his new occupation as a sausage packer!!
Throughout history, and specifically in ancient Roman times, it was customary that if or when you dishonored your leader or the people, you "fell on the sword".

In more recent times, some Japanese resorted to hara-kiri (or, more specifically, "Seppuku").

The problem is, there isn't much honor amongst the Bush league crowd.
Rove and certainly most recently Atty. Gen. Gonzales should do the right thing and leave.

But they, like the many Americans who elected these kind of people, will find fault on everyone else except themselves.

What we have today in American culture is a blameless society and it permeates both in the left and right parties.
No one wants to be held accountable for their actions.

There is no more integrity in politics anymore.

He is being exposed now. Just watch and enjoy. All scoundrels must be held accountable.
Suspicion of a crime proves nothing...
If investigation provides "proof" then prosecution can proceed-
Its the same crap the Dem's do in congress..ex. Dem 's suspect/"don't believe" that Gonzales did nothing "wrong".
An investigation produced no evidence of a crime...but
...Dem's choose to waste taxpayers time and money whining that their suspicion/belief cant force a resignation...
Suspicion ,dislike or delusional /obsessive need to destroy/embarrass or "pay back" someone and waste US resources and work time on self-gratifying rants IS A CRIME.
If it were to happened, which I doubt, they need to start in order of rot, and criminal activities and put these in jail first.

Pelosi stepped out of her lane and assumed Executive Branch functions, she consorted with a State sponsor of terrorism, she relayed a message from Israel that Israel never sent, and she allowed Syria to play her like a cheap fiddle (though a cheap fiddle has better sound coming out of it). By doing these things and expressing a willingness to talk to Iran she has circumvented the Executive Branch and usurped the authority of the President. She has taken the side of our enemies and this should be of great concern.
The people who supported Clinton and his draft dodging, chastised Bush for what they saw as avoiding Vietnam service by getting in the guard. In an about face, the yellow dogs decided that “real” service was necessary to serve as Commander in Chief and in 2004 they got behind a man whose three months in Vietnam were ginned up to equal MacArthur’s return to the Philippines. The yellow dog Democrats had it both ways with Kerry. They had a guy who actually served (albeit nominally) and also a guy who protested the very war he served in. They had a guy who met with the enemy and assisted in handing the US a defeat that came from within.
Clinton had no intention of ever serving and his ROTC gimmick was nothing more than a ruse to keep him out so he could be a part of the anti war crowd. That is the problem with the Democrats, they can not find anything worth fighting for. The anti war movement started with them and has evolved into the sub human beings that we witnessed last weekend in DC. Clinton, and Kerry for that matter, are the grandfathers of the anti war movement. They gave birth to the idiots who spray paint signs and damage Congressional offices. They gave birth to the types of people who claim to support the troops and then burn them in effigy in places like Portland.
Clinton was an anti war zealot who avoided service to this country only to use the military, years later, for dangerous operations.
Clinton’s efforts to avoid service and his direct involvement in the birth of the anti American left.and it could describe all the people involved back then.

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