
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should marijuana be legalized?

What are your views on marijuana in general?
No because it will be taxed the **** out of by the government and it won't be the same under government regulation. I don't smoke it and am not against those that do but I think things should stay as they are with it.
only in Missouri!!!!!!!
It might as well be, its readily available and legal in a lot of other countries.
my view to this is no! cause young kids will use it and get high off it and going to mess up their future!
Helll noo... All my friends that started smokin the o0ooo weeee are now paranoid weirdoz
I favour decriminalisation to legalisation. It'll be cheaper and better in the long run.
I am strongly against all drugs; I would never do any of them. I don't think marijuana should be legalized because I don't think people would handle it responsibly and it would just create more problems.
yes, i think it should. the only reason it is NOT, is because the government cant keep track of the sales..and God forbid they should go without our tax dollars..oh no! They might not be able to buy their extra mercedes or Jaguar. Oh my Lord No!!!!
I think it should be legalized for home use.
Alcohol causes driving accidents, so will marijuana.
no it should be elegalzed its drugs but then again we have ppl who dont listen to the laws so it probley doesnt matter but wwhen their caught their put in jail and off streets so it shouldnt be
yes, it's not hurting anyone who doesnt want it. it's just like drinking. for thoes who want to drink, they will find a way to get it. underaged or not. if you make it legal, it's value/want will decrease.
All illegal drugs should be legalized. Then the FDA can regulate them - the drug makers can make them - and the IRS can tax them! The "war on drugs" is a failure and a waste of money - so let the "free market" have a go.
yeah i believe that it should, you dont hear people on the news killing their wifes because they were high, or getting in car accidents, all that stuff is when people are drunk. when you are high, you sit there, and you are very relaxed and your not hurting anybody so yes, it should. and maybe alcohol should be illegal?!
*shrugs* I personally believe alcohol is worse and IT'S legal. And despite what everyone tell you pot isn't a "gateway" drug. Most people I've talked to who are "pot head" tried pot AFTER they'd done much harder drugs. I personally don't care either ways since I've never smoked it but like I said after researching I've decided alcohol is worse for you so wtf.
Yes, the ban on mary jane should be repealed.
i've thought about this question for a while, and now would not be a good time to legalize the drug. Too many people would get stoned every day or weekend. I personally think it can lead to harder drugs for some people, but that it's pretty safe as a recreational drug.
I look at Amsterdam and wonder how it can be legal there. There's supposedly less alcohol and less harder drug usage there, but I don't know for sure..if that's true, it would be a good point to legalize weed.
no way it should not be legalised since its not good 4 health o any purpose and if teenages are addicted 2 it then life will be like hell so my anwser no
people usuualy debate about maijuana and tabacco
fact was europeans came here to the states and found we were using tobacco, they took it with them and now we sell them tabacco which is most likley legal because we sell it....
i think it should be legal since we can make money off of it to
Yes, it wastes space in jails.

Its no worse than Alcohol but is demonized by the government
No. That's the last thing the Nation needs. I think pots okay for intelligent people.
No, legalization means that it would be just like celery or milk. It should however be a controlled substance, like alcohol or tobacco.
no it shouldn't because, like alcohol, if it becomes legal everyone is gonna try and drive around or operate machinery while under the influence and not everyoone handles it the same way. but it should be decriminlized... the fines are way to harsh for a substance that is far less destrcutive to you than alcohol and most prescription drugs people are abusing these days.
Can we all fly together if it is legalized?? Mary Jane is suppose to stimulate ur senses and let go of all ur worries. Heck if we all smoked pot we would be zombies!! good luck with the legal part! By the way if it was legal u would not make money off of it, the government would. And now all those people that make money off of it will not know what to do.
No it should stay ilegal. I smoked the stuff for a few years between 15 and 18. Big mistake I regret it so much, it is a waste of time I wish I was more productive when I was that age. I also had a really good photographic memory when I was young now im 21 and i still have a good memory but i know it has suffered because of how much pot i smoked.
Yes, I beleive that marijuana should be legalized. It really has no lasting effects, ans while many people love to smoke it, it is actually not highly addictive. It is safer than alcohol or cigerettes, which are both highly addictive and full of chemicals. Legalizing it is the only way to control it. Drug dealers would never agree with leaglization because then how stong it is will be controlled and they would lose money. Also, Drug dealers like to use weed as a stepping stone to selling harder drugs, if it were legalized it would not be like this for ppl would buy it through legal channels and would not have the added advertisment of harder drugs as they often do from drug dealers.
I dont see why not.There are much much much worse things out there. Liquor, for one is much worse. You never hear about someone high on weed going berserk and killing a bunch of ppl.
the ? should be why not? more people die from legal drugs and beer alone (drunk driving) .Have you ever heard of someone passing from smoking marijuana.The problem is the goverment make more money from it being illegal.If it was legal it would be to hard to industry disagree also (workers comp)

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