
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should the Brits and Other Countries Stay Out of Americas Internal Affairs RE: Gun Control?

My opinion for the Brits and others. STAY OUT OF AMERICAN AFFAIRS. We have always sorted out our own problems and still can.

If your afraid to come here, stay in the UK. Yes where there are special armed police task force to deal with your rising gun crime. "Oh! but that isn't suppose to happen in your Utopia".

Do you remember in the early days of WW2, when England had its back to the wall. When you cried for help and ARMED AMERICANS sent you thousands of their own personal arms for your defense? Then never asked for payment or for their return. errrrrrr...Thank you!

Stay in your little cubical of a house, that your not even permitted to defend. Yea! You try to defend your home, family and property you can end up in jail and the criminal is made the victim.

Your King George tried to enforce arms control in the Americas on 19 April 1775, look what that got him.

This is my Opinion! 12 years US Army, 14 years Civilian Police. LEAA, NRA %26 American Legion
LOL...I love it
The subjects of Britain gave up their self defense rights as well as the Canadians. Their violent crime rate in England alone has risen 17% and have you been to Toronto lately, jeez.
If they want in our affairs, they should at least repay the loan.
There is always going to be someone out there that knows better. As the Brits and everyone else can play the lost little sheep watching out for the big bad wolf if they want hoping that us Americans will come in and play Shepherd for them for me they will have to pry my guns out of my cold dead fingers.
Well maybe people will stay out of your affairs when you stay out of thiers iraq, vietnam the list goes on. Oh and by the way 19 April 1775 the only people capable of defeating the british was in fact the british themselves, more of a cival war i think. And yes you did get paid for the weapons in WW2, the only country to make a profit from the war, well done.

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