There should be a law that using the internet to inform others about government sins and agendas is a felony.
We need authority to be respected and obeyed, even if it will lead us to genocide and civil war.
Shouldn't there be a law banning anti-government sentiments?
There probably already is such a law.... in CHINA.
If you want to live in a country where using the internet to point out your own government's "sins and agendas" is a felony, then move to China.
(I think I detect that your question really is just to get people to appreciate the importance of free speech. Nobody in America (not even Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly) could be so pro-government to suggest criminalizing dissent. Besides-- what's good for the goose is good for the gander....)
only when a liberal Dim is in power. it's the only way they can hold on to power
People have fought and died for the very right to criticize the government, taking away that very right empowers the government in ways we do not even want to imagine.
Sure if you are pro-fascism fight for such a law, however I for one will be one of the most outspoken critics of it.
Of course not, because it will give the poor unemployed Bush bashers nothing to do. Then everyone would lose the sacred secret of hiding behind their keyboard. There would be no anonymity. People would die or boredom or there would be mass suicides in all the "Red" states.
Besides, once a Democrat gets elected President I want to be able to complain about every fault of theirs. However, a Democrat won't be President until 2012 at the earliest. I mean when you have Mrs Clinton and Obama as your primary front runner??? Come on, you are going to have to do better than that.
Have you heard of your first amendment right to Free Speech? While we are at it maybe you would suggest we burn books too.
This country was built on the rights of people to say what they want to. In addition, the government is elected, made up of human beings , just like you and me and if they are committing crimes we the people who elected them have a right to know.
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