The idea of allowing the criminals victims and family, (who have been damaged and humilated), the chance to throw things at the criminal, who is housed in wooden stocks for a long time. The procedure can be requested at any time and as often as they want.
I think when it comes to more serious crimes that affect survivors, survivor is the preferred term instead of victim, that we should re-evaluate our laws. For instance, if some sick freak rapes a 4 year old, should he just spend some time in jail? I say no! Lets crack down and make people do some serious time, make criminals suffer. God kows the survivors suffer plenty for the rest of the lifes!
Yeh good thought we could always bring back the cat-o-nine tails as well and whip their hides in public displays !
No way, this is what we should have learned from the Mcarthy hearings.
One has to prove something and then he will have to pay his debt to society, but how will public humilation make him reform his ways?
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