1) If a prisoner poses no threat to their children and never has should their prison sentences be reduced so they can spend more time with their children?
2) What if they are the only parent?
3) Does the age of the child matter?
4) Also could there be a formula for this? IE 1 child 10 years old gets a reduction of 2 years from a 10 year sentence for burglary...
if we did this I wouldn't make a hardline rule for a few reasons.
1. Many criminal...especially repeat offenders may have several children and never see them or even pay child support....ie by the formula I have 8 kids so I get 16 years off?
2. Many of these persons have proven themselves to be bad influences over their children...not all of them...and as much as I don't want to see children without parents...do we really need more parents teaching kids to do drugs, or steal? It does happen...my sister in law won full custody against her ex husband for this very reason.
3. We could actually see an influx of criminals going out and getting women pregnant/getting pregnant just ot do a crime and get a reduced sentence.
I may seem to be biased to think men commit more crimes....actually this is True.
In the state of Ohio there are 28 state prisons....1 is feamle and 27 are male. Do we really need more absentee fathers out there creating children just to get a reduced sentence?
No, prison is about punishment, not rehabilitation. They can leave when they have finished their debt to society.
A murder victim can't visit their family or children...why should a criminal get that priviledge?
No they should not. If they were so committed to parenting well, they shouldn't have committed the crimes to begin with.
And here's a thought: I engage purposefully in a life of crime. Why don't I go out and procreate selfishly so if (when ) I get busted I use thise kids as my "get out of jail free card".....
Dumb dumb dumb idea.
absolutely not. you commit the crime, you do the time
yes for minor drug offenses
Not at all. Absolutely not. When one makes the decision to commit a crime, one must face his/her sentence and part of that is being apart from your children to serve out your full time.
That's like asking: "Should those who received the death penalty be allowed some slack on time because they have children"??
See my point? When you think about committing a crime, be careful and don't do it if it means you will lose time with your children which pretty much means you'll lose custody.
Think before you act, you know? When you're committing crimes you're not a good example or role model for your children anyway; you are just related by blood at that point...that's it.
No. If they were so worried about their children why did they make the choice to break the law. Most prisoners have children, but that doesnt stop them from making bad decisions. If anything it might encourage them to continue with the bad behavior because they would know that there is lesser sentences for parents
if they go to jail the social service or whatever should decide what happens to the kids or if the parents should get a sentence reduction
Nope. Only parent or not, young child or old, if the person doesn't care enough about the welfare of their child and how them deciding to commit a crime will effect the child then why should anyone have sympathy for them.
1. No, it should not matter. They should carry out their full term sentences. What kind of impact would they have on their children? Why expose young children to "criminal minds?" The children need someone positive in their lives; not losers.
2. The children can be with relatives (grand parents/aunt/uncle).
3. Age of the child should not matter.
4. You are giving privileges to criminals. They should have thought of the consequences before committing the crimes.
Nope. You do the crime, you do the time. Other family members can care for any children.
Think about it -- would you want a convicted murderer or rapist out being a parent to his or her kids. What a role model!!!!!!!!!! (Not).
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