Answer: no. Marijuana is safe for human consumption. It and all other plants of it's type (green plants with seed that reproduce by their seed) were given by God to Adam for his food (GEN 1:29). I have a much higher comfort level with what God offers to me as safe, as opposed to the government's voodoo researchers.
only if you are going to include alcohol and cigarettes!
No. Go to Amsterdam someday to see how an intelligent society deals with drugs.
No. We should just be concentrating on narcotics. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. Let's concentrate our resources were they will do the most good.
I have been to Amsterdam. They don't deal with drugs and it shows. Stepping over bodies of homeless drug addicts as I come up from the train is not what I want for America.
absolutly not
just tobacco
no its no worse than alcohol
alcohol and cigarettes! since it also bad for you
The war on drugs? lol sorry, that sounds funny, it's like seeing a joint dressed in camo... answer is no.
Pot just make's ya all tired, slower and feel no pain (no, I don't do it)...oh, plus you eat a lot!
Heck, the first gold metal for snowboarding was given to a Canadian who was high on the stuff - imagine how fast he would have gone had he been straight?
Pot isn't all that horrible.
Yes, marijuana is a mind-altering drug that can damage one's health, so I believe that it should be included in the War.
You'll have to outlaw alcohol too. It does much worse to you than any amount of Marijuana.
No, but alcohol should be. I know many many people whose lives have been crushed by alcohol. I hate that s**t!
Hmm.. If i answer yes, the reason is because many people are abusing this... If i answer no, the reason is, because it is on of the medicinal plants that we have... I have two answers with 2 reasons for your question dude...
Marijuana grew wild in every state in the union. It had been used medicinally for thousands of years by American Indians. It was pushed to be made illegal by two groups:
1. American Medical Association. It was seen as an uncontrollable medicine and therefore not profitable.
2.Randolph Hearst. Hearst owned 90% of the paper mills in the US. These mills were designed to make paper from pulp trees and it is a very profitable business. Hemp is a better solution for paper. The growing cycle more closely resembles the life span of a piece of paper and it is cheaper to grow and process into paper.
Pot is less dangerous and debilitating than Alcohol. Nobody has ever OD'd on pot!!!
The war on drugs is a misnomer as well as an abject failure, there should'nt be one at all, the war is on the various peoples targetted by oppressive, racist and unconstituional laws. But more to the point of you query, no it should not be, but, sadly, it is.
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